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Library Paraprofessional of the YearLibrary Paraprofessional Award The Library Paraprofessional Award recognizes the exemplary performance of a paraprofessional who directly supports the library media profession either at the building or district level. Membership in SCASL is not required. Purpose: The Library Paraprofessional Award recognizes the exemplary performance of a paraprofessional who directly supports the library media profession either at the building or district level. Criteria: The following information must be completed according to the directions provided below. Label all sections. Do no exceed space limitation indicated. Font size must be no less than 12. Extra materials will not be considered (i.e. photos, newspaper clippings). A. Cover Sheet. Please include the following information:
B. Write a statement or a tabular list of the nominee’s outstanding and sustained contributions to the library media profession emphasizing: (no more that two pages) 1. Responsibilities and work habits C. Include one or two letters of recommendation. One should be from the nominator or supervisor of the Nominee. The letter(s) should include evidence showing how the Nominee promotes a positive work environment, models professionalism, and supports the library media program in his/her area. Letter(s) should be no more that two pages long. Submission of Application: The written application must be completed in Google Docs and emailed to [email protected] no later than the first Friday in December. Be sure to make the link viewable to all users. All letters of recommendation should be emailed to [email protected] by the first Friday in December. All applications will become the property of SCASL. The committee cannot consider any applications submitted after the deadline. The presentation of this award will be made at the SCASL annual conference. |