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Distinguished Service AwardDistinguished Service Award Application The Distinguished Service Award recognizes an individual or an organization for contributions to SCASL and/or school media programs throughout the state of South Carolina. Business professionals or organizations, authors, illustrators, educators, and media specialists who have given sustained and/or outstanding service at the state level may be nominated. Membership in SCASL is not required for this nomination. Purpose: To recognize an individual, group, or business that has made an outstanding contribution to South Carolina school librarianship, school library media services, and/or SCASL. Criteria: The following information must be completed according to the directions provided below. Label all sections. Do not exceed space limitation indicated. Font size must be no less than 12. Extra materials will not be considered (i.e. photos, newspaper clippings). A. Cover Sheet. Please include the following information:
B. Write a statement of the nominee’s outstanding and sustained contribution toward furthering the role of the library and its development in elementary and/or secondary education emphasizing: (max two pages).
The written application must be completed in Google Docs and link emailed to [email protected] no later than the first Friday in December. Be sure to make the link viewable to all users. All applications and videos submitted will become the property of SCASL. Questions can be emailed to the committee chair at [email protected]. The presentation of this award will be made at the SCASL annual conference. |